Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
When circumstances require additional investigation, or the Phase I ESA indicates a potential for environmental contamination, a Phase II ESA is typically required. A Phase II ESA is a site-specific assessment which involves collection of soil, groundwater, and/or air samples, using any number of technologies deemed appropriate for the site. The Phase II ESA is designed to investigate areas of concern as determined by the Phase I ESA. Common areas of concern include:
Locations of Former Underground/Aboveground Storage Tanks
Areas of Pesticide/Herbicide Use/Applications
Locations of Spills, Leaks or Other Discharges
Floor Drain Discharge Areas
Drum Storage Locations
Results of laboratory analysis, field screening analysis, and visual and olfactory observations made at the site are used to determine whether or not a significant impact has occurred, and whether or not site conditions meet State and Federal regulations.